Saturday, February 22, 2020

Polynesian Questions and Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Polynesian Questions and Answers - Essay Example allotted $15 million annually to aid them. This brought about the sudden change in the people and had significantly impacted on their culture but did nothing to enable them to implement a self-sustaining economy (Dunford and Ridgell, 1996, p. 60-62). The people came to be overly dependent on the financial aid extended to them and started the commotion fuelled by greed and disparity primarily because of the mismanaged resources that landed constantly on an ill-prepared group of people. The concept of family before the advent of dependency in Micronesia had drastically changed over the last decades. The social unit was characterized by nuclear families that lived together in a compound with harmonious relations with each other. Hezel describes this community where in Chuuk for example dwellings would be in a single cluster of land where extended family units live and in this area there would be what is called a fanang which is basically a cookhouse where the families would take turns i n cooking the meal enough for every member of the nuclear family. The will also be an uut which serves many purposes such as a meetinghouse or a dormitory for the unmarried men as well as a place for them to learn. Other islands would entail similar practices such as Chuuk where most would be centrally matrilineal such as Marshalls and Pohnpei. This would take its turn and change when Western imposition found its way to them (Hezel, 2001, p.9-10). It was in 1991 after having been bona fide member of the United Nations when the Federated States of Micronesia had to elect their own government officials in a legislature who will choose among themselves the person to represent them as president. The people were allowed to migrate to the United States of America where approximately 2,000 flocked to Guam, Hawaii and mainland United States, a great block settling in the two previously mentioned U.S. territories (Dunford and Ridgell, 1996, p. 90-91). The people found this mass migration to be a necessity in order to provide for their underprivileged families by sending them remittances from foreign land instead of staying in a direly impoverished country. With many of its productive citizens abroad labouring on foreign land, Micronesia suffered continued economic immobility for lack of effective economic policy carried over from its years as a trust territory. The islands became excessively dependent on the annual budget provided by the United States and they were not able to cultivate a sense of economic stability since aid regularly comes their way. Father Hezel maintains that though a great number of Micronesians have settled in U.S. soil, many still find themselves deeply rooted to their native land. â€Å"Anyone who thinks that Micronesian emigrants abroad simply vanish one day never to be seen again need only to scan the departure area of a return flight to the islands to discover that this is far from the case (Hezel, 2001, p.159). The mass of Micronesians who were able to immigrate to the United States affects health care and education in the sense that they add up to the government expenditure necessary to finance public education and health care. Most of them have found a permanent home far from their native land and this equates to additional families that rely on government support to live according to decent

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Business Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Business Ethics - Assignment Example Moral rights can be defined as right of any creative artist or author to protect ownership or integrity of their respective work. It was introduced by the Copyright Act in the year 1968 and deals with protection of work given to its creators. Human right on the other hand is a right that belongs to every individual. These are norms or moral principles that describe specific human behavior standards and are protected on a continuous basis as legal rights in international and national law (O’Sullivan, Smith & Esposito, 2012). All these four factors are inter-related and aim towards the same goal. A right, legal right, moral right and human right are based on the concept of ethics. This is the factor which binds all the four elements. All the four aspects guides human behavior and is a framework of morals and values. It can also be stated that ethics within an individual is formed on the basis of these elements. A right can be stated as an entitlement that is treated in a particular way. There are certain characteristics that define moral rights such as it is natural, equal and inalienable. It possesses the characteristics of being natural as it is discovered and not created by an individual. This is often regarded as moral realism. Moral rights can also be stated as equal and this factor differentiates this right from the rest. Equality in this right refers to no such discrimination being done at the time of distribution of this right amongst individuals. The other characteristic that defines moral rights is the factor of inalienable. This factor states that moral rights cannot be taken away from an individual without his or her consent. However these moral rights can be voluntarily surrendered by an individual. These characteristics states that in order to define a moral right it is important that possession criterion are analyzed well by an individual. The criteria should be relevant and aligned with the moral